This LazyListScope block offers a DSL which allows apps to describe the item contents. Instead of accepting a Composable content block parameter, allowing apps to directly emit composables, the Lazy components provide a LazyListScope. The first call to get () executes the lambda passed to lazy () and remembers the result. The Lazy components are different to most layouts in Compose.

Lazy Delegate Suppose you have a property that is computationally expensive to instantiate and might not be ever.
Lazy properties lazy () is a function that takes a lambda and returns an instance of LazyHere’s an example to demonstrate how it works. The Kotlin standard library provides factory methods for several useful kinds of delegates. The second get() function call returns the result. When using the by keyword, the first get() function call executes the lambda expression and stores the result temporarily. In Kotlin, the lazy() function takes a lambda as an input and returns an instance of Lazy properties. Use the by Keyword With Lazy Properties in Kotlin This section will go through examples of the Kotlin by keyword to delegate properties for each use case. Since it is used with an interface, it is also an effective alternative for implementation inheritance Use the by Keyword to Delegate Implementation of a Property to Another Object in Kotlin.Instead of function, the by keyword is defined where a function is provided.When it comes to implementing an interface to another object, it works similarly with a few primary differences. The most common uses of the Kotlin by keyword with properties are: